Saturday, May 7, 2011

Concept Blog Number 1

The Renaissance era was a time of cultural change from the 14th century till about he 17th century. The renaissance era profoundly affected European intellectual life. the Renaissance could be viewed as an attempt by intellectuals to study and improve the secular and worldly, both through the revival of ideas from antiquity, and through novel approaches to thought. Early Renaissance, mostly in Italy, bridges the art period during the fifteenth century, between the Middle Ages and the High Renaissance in Italy. One of the distinguishing features of Renaissance art was its development of highly realistic linear perspective. Many of the great paintings that came out of the renaissance era are still some of the most famous paintings ever. Many of the artist of that time are still looked up to, to this day.

     Some of the artists that were part of the renaissance were Leon Battista Alberti, Paolo Uccello, Andrea Mantegna, Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci and Michelangelo di Ludovico Buonarroti Simoni. These artest painted some of the greatest most inspiring paintings of all time. They had a way of expressing themselves through their work. Most of the artist of this time changed the way that other artist painted and sculpted. They were very highly looked up to by so many people for so many years and still to this day when their names are mentioned you will only hear great things about them. They spoke through their work without words. They used emotion in their work to express what they were thinking and feeling. Many artist in todays times try and match much of the work that was produced during this time period, but it can never be matched because of the great artistic talent that many of the artist had during that time.
      The art that these artist produced did speek to many people and still do because they didn't have words but still spoke to them. The paintings spoke emotion and feeling. Paintings such as these two by famous painters Leonardo and Michelangelo speek great emotion. The two off to the left speaks to me because its of a young girl and she looks peaceful. She looks as though she is pondering life. It speaks to me because I am a young girl. I ponder life all the time and so it speaks to me on more of a personal level. Now about the painting on the right this one also speaks to me because its a picture of the last supper. I am very involved in my church and so this has more of a spiritual connection to me. When I look at this painting I look at every detail because I wonder what it would be like to go through a last supper like that. I picture what they would look like and so I look at what the painter though it would be like. It just brings emotion from deep down inside and I think thats exactly what the artist of this time period were aiming for.