Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Art Encounter # 2

The Romantic eras were often known for their music. The music was not considered Romantic just because it was written in the nineteenth century though. The beginning of that century found plenty of composers who were still writing Classical-sounding music. And by the end of the century, composers were turning away from Romanticism and searching for new idioms. Music of this era was often said to have expressed emotion without having any words said. The composers never had to put lyrics to their songs to get their point across. They often wanted the listener to come up with their own story of what the song was portraying.

This youtube video expresses some of the greatest composers of the romantic era. Many of the pieces of music played in this video are pieces of work that many people recognize in todays times. This is because not only did the composers of that time have an impact on people then, but they also are still making impacts on people today. The music just has a way of reaching every age for every generation. The composers of this video are people just like us but have passion for music and a creative ability to express that passion through a piece of music even without words. Composers such as Beethoven, Johann Strauss, Giacomo Paganini, Felix Mendelssohn, Elgar, Frederic Chopin, Rossini, and Peter Tchaikovsky have such a talent to be able to play such musical pieces that have been carried from genoration to genoration.

In the video the also use the words fantastic, amazing, best work, unique, and absolutely wonderful to describe the music but I dont even think that these words give these pieces justice. They are more incredible then words can express. When I listen to music such as these I can just sit back close my eyes, and feel so many different emotions. Some of them make me want to cry, while others make me want to laugh and feel joyful. Just listening to these quick pieces of the work in the video, they were able to make me feel these emotions. Music has always been an important part of my life, but there are just some pieces of music that make you feel more emotions then others.
I think the ideas and themes of music in the romantic era were just to express the emotion within oneself. The composers were expressing their emotions when creating their work and now I think they wanted you to express your emotions. The themes jump about around from being sad and touching, to happy and enlightening. Most of the work seems to be up beat and exciting and so I think that is the idea and theme of the music of that era. I think it was just supposed to make you happy and enjoy life. There are many people that go into make pieces of work that are able to express such emotion. In order to make pieces such as these in the video its often needed to have an orchestra so it gives more impact. Because of the composers and the orchestra its posible to pull such great music out.