Monday, April 25, 2011

Last And Final Blog Post!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

The name Belle Epoque encompasses the realities of expansion, carefree attitudes, a faith in progress, and an affluence spreading down through society, together with a certain nostalgia. This nostalgia was an embellishing memory of reality coming out of the trauma of the First World War. The Belle Epoque period had much impact on people. The characteristics that stood out not only in the people but also in the art work still sticks with many of its views to this day. We can look back on that time a see a great change that took place. Change happened not only in the surroundings but also in the people. The time of the Belle Epoque was about 1850 to about the 19th century. This was the time right around both world war 1 and 2. Lots of times durring this period things like people would be reflected in art work or in sculptures.

One of the biggest changes of this time was of the women. The women of this time period went through a dramatic change. Many people said it was a rebellious act and others said that it was just their way of expressing who they were and them growing up into a new time period. Wealthy Girls durring this time period often wore corsets and extravagant hats to be distinguished from the others. Over their tightly laced corsets they would wear a long heavy dress that covered most of their bodys. The corset was worn to show off every little curve of a women's body. Not much of their skin would show. Then over the dress they would wear a fur coat if it was cooler out. The accessories were also very important; women wore leather gloves, ankle boots and sometimes parasols. Some of the wealthiest women wore jewelry, perfume and makeup. Now the change that went under way was that girls started to feel uncomfortable being all laced up and not being able to breath in their corsets. Girls during this time often had long hair that they tied up and so girls were getting tired of always having to put up their hair day after day. So the girls started to change. They started to wear baggier dresses. And they cut most of their hair off. Their dresses would end at the knee and show most of their arms. They were exposing much more skin. Many people said they looked like boys but in fact they looked like girls that were comfortable. Women started to gain confidence in the way that they were and started to have more of a free spirit. Their clothes gave them not only room to breath literally but also in their attitudes.

Art and sculptures were something that was influenced by this time period also. At first the art was resemblance to the way that women looked. The art had curves and body to it. They were almost a stiff and refined look to them. Many of the paintings were simple but elegant. The architecture of things showed shape and curves. Just like the picture to the right just shows an elegant setting even the chairs have curve and body to them. As time went on though, these things tended to dye off and people started to care less about the curve in a person or painting and more in the way that they acted or their attitude was. The change was definitely clear from the people to the art during this time period.